Thanks for stopping by our website! If you're searching for a church home in Evansville, we're the place for you. We have options to plan your experience to participate online and in-person - whichever is best for you and your family.
Feel free to check out the FAQ below. Whether you've never been to church before, or grew up attending church weekly, plan your experience to join us this weekend!
We believe that God wants to do great things through you!
- Mark Hurt, Lead Pastor

Thank you for joining us online. The Well exists to be a life-giving Church. Jesus said, "The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life." (John 4:14 MSG) Our firm foundation is built upon the new life that happens with Jesus Christ.
This passion guides us on a wonderful journey to introduce people to the life-giving ways of Jesus. We are driven to help people know God, grow in Spirit, discover purpose, and make a difference.

Growth Track
Growth Track is a class setting designed to accelerate us into full engagement with Jesus and His purpose for our life. If you're new to The Well, your Spiritual Growth has plateaued or you just need a little help finding what your next step is, this group is for you. The Growth Track was designed to help each one of us become more fully engaged followers of Jesus regardless of the season we are walking through.
1st Sunday - Church 101
2nd Sunday - Essentials 201
3rd Sunday - Discover 301
4th Sunday - Dream Team 401

The Well sees all children as important parts of God’s kingdom. Our kids ministry is not a babysitting service. It is a time to teach your children about the wonders of God at their level and in a safe, loving environment where your child will be free to explore. Our ministry is led by volunteers who see it as their passion and mission to get to know your child and help him grow in his walk with our Savior. All volunteers have a background check.
What time is the service?Services at The Well Church are on Sundays at 10:30AM.
Is there something for my kids?Yes! Kids are one of our highest priorities at The Well Church. At The Well, we focus on raising up the next generation of leaders who will change the world for the Kingdom. During service, kids can participate in classes in-person.
What can I expect?When you visit our church, you can expect a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. We greet you with open arms while keeping enough distance to ensure you feel comfortable and not overwhelmed. Feel free to dress casually—come as you are! Our services, which last about an hour, feature modern music and a relevant message that speaks to everyday life. We also have a dedicated kids' program where children can have fun and learn in an engaging and safe environment.